Look Up Therapy is proud to provide Mental Health Targeted Case Management services to adults and children with mental health diagnoses to assist them in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services. Our mission is to help clients overcome the barriers they face by supporting individual and family education, wellness, growth, and stability. We accomplish these objectives by identifying and coordinating the very best services for each client.
Targeted Case Managers (TCMs) work with clients to assess their needs and assist clients with developing a service plan for those needs to be met. TCMs advocate, coordinate and facilitate services based on clients’ needs as well as assist clients to achieve their goals.
Working with schools to advocate for the client’s academic needs to be met. Ensuring that the appropriate academic supports are in place and progress is being made. Provide support and academic linkage as needed.
Assess the client and family’s stability and ability to meet basic needs. TCMs can link to necessary community resources for basic needs to be met such as food, clothing, etc. TCMs will work with clients to access such resources to reach stability and independence.
Assist clients with preventing homelessness by linking to homeless shelters as well as other community resources. TCMs will collaborate with clients to obtain affordable housing and apply for housing resources.
Assist clients with accessing employment resources. Assist with locating job openings, gaining interviewing, skills, etc.
Assist clients with accessing vocational resources and locating resources that can assist them with identifying skills to explore.
Assist clients with reaching financial stability by linking and accessing economic programs within the community, preparing financial plans, etc.
Assist clients with increasing social skills by linking clients to social opportunities to expand their support system.
Monitor the client’s mental stability and link to the necessary resources within the community for clients to access to reach stability and live a healthy lifestyle.
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